
2013년 12월 13일 금요일

* CC cream (vs BB cream)

Hello Girls~!
 Everybody is talking about the new trend, CC creams.
CC stands for Color Correcting, Complexion Coordinating or Correct Care (depends on the brand). They make skin tone bright and have high SPF but the coverage is usually light. 
They usually start off pure white and they turn into your skintone
 but that happens because of the micro-capsules that break by rubbing and they release color.
 CC cream also have high moisturizing abilities. 
Color Correcting cream is for those who have flawless complexion
and they need something that gives lighter feeling than BB cream or foundation,
 while improving the color and glow of the skin.
Of course CC cream comes in different shades (sometimes)
but they never release very dark shades..
In short, BB cream means Blemish Balm or Beauty Balm.
BB cream contains sunscreen fuction and foundation.
 but it is more light than foundation. so many students are use it.

CC cream means Color Control or Color Correcting cream.
It does everything that a BB cream does,
 plus takes it all one step further to provide a color correction to your skin.
* Reference:

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